“CLIMECS allows you to easily control realistic climatic scenario’s in ecological experiments“
– Oscar Franken –
What is climecs
Why Choose Climecs
The use of CLIMECS can greatly benefit research groups in universities, institutes and companies because:
- it is possible to perform more realistic experiments with multiple stressors,
- the range of conditions that can be achieved allows to implement extreme climatic events,
- due to automation, the experiments are easier and more efficient to perform,
- interacting climatic variables can be disentangled
- the used methods will be more standardized, facilitating comparisons between studies and facilitating potential collaborations between labs with the same experimental setup.
Let’s start to anticipate on the predicted effects of climatic change, by using CLIMECS!
Climecs team

The Ecologists
- Dr. Oscar Franken (oscar@climecs.com), Initiator, lead developer and contact person.
- Prof. Dr. Matty Berg, Animal ecology group, Advisor
- Prof. Dr. Jacintha Ellers, Head of Animal ecology group, Advisor
- Ing. Rob Limburg, Head of electronics development
- Niels Althuisius, Individuals units control and feedback mechanisms, LED-lights
- Drs. Matthijs Luger, Software developer
- Pieter Caspers, Central computer development
- Ir. Joost Rosier, Head of mechanics development
- Niek van Harlingen, Physical design of test column and metal lighting ‘crown’
- Rob Stoevelaar, Heating, light & watering system
The Business Advisors
- Inge Veldt, MSc., Structuring short and long term business goals
- Wouter Duif, student Science Business and Innovation, minor Technology Entrepreneurship
News & Media
CLIMECS used for the promotion of the VU bachelor biology
Once again, the Bachelor program in Biology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has been awarded top stats in terms of quality (Topopleiding in Dutch). This is assessed annually by the…
Nomination Finals of the Amsterdam Science and Innovation Awards 2018 & Interview BNR Nieuwsradio
Great news! We have been selected to pitch CLIMECS at the finals of the Amsterdam Science and Innovation awards 2018! On June 19 the 3 minute pitch about this project…
Photo featured in Ad Valvas, 18th of April 2018
A full page photo of the CLIMECS test unit in the Demonstrator Lab featured in an Ad Valvas (University newspaper) article about the developments in the Demonstrator Lab. The article…
CLIMECS used for the promotion of the VU bachelor biology
Once again, the Bachelor program in Biology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has been awarded top stats in terms of quality (Topopleiding in Dutch). This is assessed annually by the…
Nomination Finals of the Amsterdam Science and Innovation Awards 2018 & Interview BNR Nieuwsradio
Great news! We have been selected to pitch CLIMECS at the finals of the Amsterdam Science and Innovation awards 2018! On June 19 the 3 minute pitch about this project…
Photo featured in Ad Valvas, 18th of April 2018
A full page photo of the CLIMECS test unit in the Demonstrator Lab featured in an Ad Valvas (University newspaper) article about the developments in the Demonstrator Lab. The article…
CLIMECS used for the promotion of the VU bachelor biology
Once again, the Bachelor program in Biology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has been awarded top stats in terms of quality (Topopleiding in Dutch). This is assessed annually by the ‘Keuzegids Universiteiten’, which provide an …
Read MoreCLIMECS used for the promotion of the VU bachelor biology
Nomination Finals of the Amsterdam Science and Innovation Awards 2018 & Interview BNR Nieuwsradio
Great news! We have been selected to pitch CLIMECS at the finals of the Amsterdam Science and Innovation awards 2018! On June 19 the 3 minute pitch about this project will be given by Oscar …
Contact & Inquiry
We have a physical demonstration unit and a full setup of 40 units. If you are interested in visiting us for more information and a demonstration, please contact us first to make sure we have enough time to explain all the possibilities.
For more information please feel free to contact Oscar Franken.